Write a Method that Takes 3 Integers as Parameters: A Clever Solution Without If Statements
Image by Yasahiro - hkhazo.biz.id

Write a Method that Takes 3 Integers as Parameters: A Clever Solution Without If Statements

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Have you ever faced a challenge where you need to write a method that takes three integers as parameters and returns true if they are equal, and false otherwise, without using if statements? It may seem like a daunting task, but fear not, dear reader! In this article, we’ll explore a creative solution that will make you wonder why you ever doubted yourself.

The Problem Statement

Imagine you’re tasked with creating a method that accepts three integer parameters, let’s call them a, b, and c. Your mission is to determine whether these three integers are equal, and return a boolean value indicating the result. Sounds simple, right? Well, here’s the twist: you’re not allowed to use if statements.

Why No If Statements?

You might be wondering why we’re imposing this restriction. The reason is that if statements can be verbose and, in some cases, inefficient. By avoiding if statements, we’re forced to think outside the box and come up with a more innovative solution. Plus, it’s a great exercise in creative problem-solving!

The Solution

So, how do we solve this problem without if statements? The answer lies in the clever use of arithmetic operations and logical operators. Here’s a method that achieves the desired result:

public bool AreEqual(int a, int b, int c)
    return ((a - b) == 0) && ((b - c) == 0);

Let’s break down this solution and understand how it works. The method takes three integer parameters, a, b, and c. We then use the following logic:

  • We subtract b from a, which will result in 0 if a and b are equal.
  • We subtract c from b, which will result in 0 if b and c are equal.
  • We use the logical AND operator (&&) to combine these two conditions.

If both conditions are true, i.e., a equals b and b equals c, then the entire expression evaluates to true. Otherwise, it returns false.

Why This Solution Works

This solution works because of the way arithmetic operations interact with logical operators. When we subtract two equal numbers, the result is 0. By using the equality operator (==), we’re essentially asking if the result of the subtraction is 0. If it is, that means the numbers are equal.

The logical AND operator (&&) ensures that both conditions must be true for the entire expression to evaluate to true. This is equivalent to saying “a equals b AND b equals c,” which is precisely what we want to check.

Alternative Solutions

While the previous solution is elegant and concise, there are other ways to solve this problem without if statements. Here are a few alternatives:

Using Bitwise Operators

public bool AreEqual(int a, int b, int c)
    return (a ^ b) == 0 && (b ^ c) == 0;

This solution uses bitwise XOR (^) operator to check if a and b are equal, and then checks if b and c are equal using the same operator. The logical AND operator is used to combine the two conditions.

Using Conditional Operator

public bool AreEqual(int a, int b, int c)
    return (a == b) == (b == c);

This solution uses the conditional operator (?:) to evaluate the equality of a and b, and then checks if the result is equal to the equality of b and c. While this solution is clever, it’s less readable than the original solution.


In this article, we’ve explored a creative solution to the problem of writing a method that takes three integers as parameters and returns true if they are equal, and false otherwise, without using if statements. We’ve seen how to use arithmetic operations and logical operators to achieve the desired result.

By thinking outside the box and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, we can come up with innovative solutions that not only work but also improve our coding skills. So, the next time you’re faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem, remember: there’s always a way to write a method that takes 3 integers as parameters, returns true if they are equal, and false otherwise, without using if statements!

Solution Description
Original Solution Uses subtraction and logical AND operator
Bitwise Solution Uses bitwise XOR operator and logical AND operator
Conditional Solution Uses conditional operator to evaluate equality

Remember, the key to solving this problem is to think creatively and explore different approaches. By doing so, you’ll not only improve your coding skills but also develop a deeper understanding of the language and its capabilities.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, writing a method that takes three integers as parameters and returns true if they are equal, and false otherwise, without using if statements is a challenging but rewarding task. By embracing the constraints and thinking outside the box, we can come up with innovative solutions that showcase our problem-solving skills.

So, the next time you’re faced with a similar challenge, remember the solutions presented in this article, and don’t be afraid to experiment and try new approaches. Happy coding!

What’s Next?

If you’re eager to learn more about creative problem-solving and coding challenges, be sure to check out our upcoming articles on:

  • Writing a method that returns the maximum of three integers without using if statements or conditional operators.
  • Implementing a sorting algorithm without using built-in sorting functions or if statements.
  • Solving the Fibonacci sequence problem using recursive and iterative approaches.

Stay tuned for more exciting articles and coding challenges!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to dive into the world of coding and explore the creative ways to solve a simple yet intriguing problem!

How do we define the method that takes 3 integer parameters?

The method can be defined with a function name, followed by parentheses containing three integer parameters, such as `public bool checkEquality(int a, int b, int c)`. The return type is `bool`, which means it will return either `true` or `false`.

What is the condition to return true in this method?

The method should return `true` when all three integer parameters `a`, `b`, and `c` are equal.

How can we avoid using if statements in this method?

We can use a clever trick by utilizing the logical AND operator (`&&`) to check the equality of the three integers. This approach eliminates the need for an if statement!

Can you provide an example of the method implementation?

Here’s an example implementation in C#: `public bool checkEquality(int a, int b, int c) => a == b && b == c;`. This method uses the logical AND operator to check if all three integers are equal, returning `true` if they are and `false` otherwise.

How does this method handle different inputs?

This method will return `true` when all three integers are equal, and `false` when any of the integers are not equal. For example, if we call the method with `checkEquality(1, 1, 1)`, it will return `true`, but if we call it with `checkEquality(1, 1, 2)`, it will return `false`.