Should I Run a Development Server or a Production Server for Cypress E2E Tests in CI?
Image by Yasahiro -

Should I Run a Development Server or a Production Server for Cypress E2E Tests in CI?

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re part of the lucky bunch who gets to deal with the wonders of Cypress End-to-End (E2E) testing in a Continuous Integration (CI) environment. But, as exciting as it sounds, it comes with its fair share of questions. One of which is: “Should I run a development server or a production server for Cypress E2E tests in CI?”

What’s the Difference Between Development and Production Servers?

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s take a step back and understand the basics. A development server and a production server serve different purposes, and it’s essential to grasp these differences to make an informed decision.

Development Server

A development server is typically used during the development phase of your project. It’s where you write code, test it, and iterate on it. The primary focus is on speed, convenience, and ease of debugging. Development servers usually:

  • Run in a development environment (e.g., `localhost:3000`)
  • Have hot reloading enabled, so changes are reflected instantly
  • Have verbose logging and debugging tools enabled
  • May not have the same security constraints as a production environment

Production Server

A production server, on the other hand, is where your application is deployed and runs in a live environment. The primary focus is on performance, security, and reliability. Production servers usually:

  • Run in a production environment (e.g., ``)
  • Have optimized performance, caching, and minification enabled
  • Have strict security constraints and access controls
  • May have load balancing, SSL certificates, and other production-ready features

Why Does it Matter for Cypress E2E Tests in CI?

Now that we’ve covered the differences, let’s explore why it matters for Cypress E2E tests in CI. Cypress is an excellent tool for E2E testing, but it requires a running application to interact with. In a CI environment, you need to decide which type of server to spin up for your tests.

Pros and Cons of Running a Development Server

Running a development server for Cypress E2E tests in CI has its advantages and disadvantages:

Pros Cons
Faster test execution due to hot reloading May not reflect real-world production scenarios
Easier debugging with verbose logging May expose sensitive information or debug tools
Simpler setup and configuration May not account for production-specific configuration

Pros and Cons of Running a Production Server

Running a production server for Cypress E2E tests in CI also has its pros and cons:

Pros Cons
More accurate representation of real-world production scenarios Slower test execution due to optimized performance
Better security and access control More complex setup and configuration
Accounts for production-specific configuration May require additional infrastructure and resources

So, What’s the Verdict?

Should you run a development server or a production server for Cypress E2E tests in CI? Well, it depends on your project’s specific needs and requirements. Here are some general guidelines to help you make a decision:

Development Server

Choose a development server if:

  • You’re testing specific development-only features or workflows
  • You need fast test execution and iteration
  • You’re working on a small to medium-sized project with minimal production complexities

Production Server

Choose a production server if:

  • You’re testing critical production-specific workflows or scenarios
  • You need to ensure accurate representation of real-world production environments
  • You’re working on a large, complex project with multiple dependencies and integrations

Best Practices for Running Cypress E2E Tests in CI

Regardless of which server you choose, here are some best practices to keep in mind when running Cypress E2E tests in CI:

  1. Use a dedicated CI environment to avoid conflicts with local development environments

  2. Configure your server to use a consistent and predictable environment (e.g., using Docker containers)

  3. Use Cypress’s built-in features, such as `cypress run` and `cypress verify`, to simplify test execution and verification

  4. Write tests that are independent of the server environment, focusing on UI interactions and business logic

  5. Use a clear and consistent naming convention for your tests and test files

  6. Implement retry mechanisms for flaky tests and investigate failures promptly

  7. Monitor and analyze test performance and execution times to optimize your CI pipeline

Sample Code for Running Cypress E2E Tests in CI

Here’s an example of how you might configure your CI pipeline to run Cypress E2E tests using a production server:

# .circleci/config.yml (CircleCI example)

version: 2.1

      - image: cypress/included:3.7.0
      - checkout
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm run build:prod
      - run: npm start:prod && cypress run

This example uses CircleCI, but you can adapt it to your CI tool of choice. It installs dependencies, builds the application in production mode, starts the production server, and runs Cypress E2E tests using the `cypress run` command.


In conclusion, whether you should run a development server or a production server for Cypress E2E tests in CI depends on your project’s specific needs and requirements. By understanding the differences between development and production servers, and following best practices for running Cypress E2E tests in CI, you can ensure reliable, efficient, and accurate testing of your application.

Remember, it’s essential to choose the approach that best fits your project’s needs, and to continuously monitor and optimize your CI pipeline for improved test execution and performance.

Frequently Asked Question

Wondering whether to run a development server or a production server for Cypress E2E tests in CI? Let’s dive into the details!

Q1: What’s the main difference between running a development server and a production server for Cypress E2E tests in CI?

A development server is typically used for local testing and is configured for rapid feedback, whereas a production server is optimized for performance, security, and scalability. Running Cypress E2E tests in CI should mirror the production environment, so it’s recommended to use a production server.

Q2: Wouldn’t running a development server be faster and more convenient for my Cypress E2E tests in CI?

While it’s true that a development server might be faster and more convenient, it can lead to false positives or negatives due to differences in configuration and environment. To ensure reliable and accurate test results, it’s better to use a production server that closely matches your production environment.

Q3: How can I ensure that my Cypress E2E tests in CI are running in a production-like environment?

You can ensure a production-like environment by using a CI tool like Jenkins, Travis, or CircleCI to spin up a production server instance, and then running your Cypress E2E tests against that instance. This will give you confidence that your tests are running in an environment that closely mirrors your production setup.

Q4: What if I have a complex setup that requires specific dependencies and configurations for my Cypress E2E tests in CI?

If you have a complex setup, you can use Docker containers or virtual machines to create a production-like environment that includes all the necessary dependencies and configurations. This will ensure that your Cypress E2E tests run in an environment that accurately reflects your production setup.

Q5: Are there any drawbacks to running a production server for Cypress E2E tests in CI?

One potential drawback is that running a production server can be slower and more resource-intensive compared to a development server. However, the benefits of running accurate and reliable tests in a production-like environment far outweigh the costs. Additionally, you can always optimize your CI pipeline to minimize the impact of slower test runs.

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